Another toner cartridge killer, the lonely village of Nenlast on the Eastern Shores of Lake Nen. The values got away from me on this one, and it's not keyed, but it'll do for now.
Anyone watch Game of Thrones last night? The show itself was pretty good (although I wonder if anyone who hasn't read the books would follow it) but the titles were ass-kickingly great!
Wow, it looks great! The rain adds a lot of atmosphere.
That is awesome! Great job. I love how even though it has a sort of minimalist feel, there is a lot of detail in there if you zoom in and look.
What size canvas do you paint on?
Its great to see you posting again. I was worried you had drifted on to other pursuits. Liking the new version of Nenlast, the rain on the old one evoked a wonderful feel but obscured a bit of detail as well. Any chance of a blank one and one with lines like the village from May 17, 2010? Thanks again, I love the way your maps stimulate a feeling in the viewer.
Thanks Jackson (Mississippi?)This Photoshop doc is 2200 x 1700 @200 ppi, canvas 10 1/2 x 8 1/2.
I can do that Dave. I'll post an update when time allows. Thanks!
Excuse my ignorance, but is this for a published or to-be-published setting? Really digging your maps, so i'm curious if there is some art of yours that is published, that I can check out.
That's just beautiful.
Thanks ze!
A Paladin: It's funny, after your very kind review on your blog (apaladinincitadel.blogspot.com which everyone should be reading) I immediately got 3 freelance offers!
But no, to answer your question, there isn't any overarching project. Originally this was just a blog about our campaign and, even though the game has stalled, I just kept on mapping stuff.
Cool. Very ethereal!
Well deserved!
That is a seriously beautiful map.
You are seriously awesome!
this is an awesome site! I have already used some of your images in our d&d game. Thanks for publishing such awesomeness, i love it...
Thanks for stopping by Amy!
Just came across this amazing resource of maps - wow, I am really blown away by the quality of these. This one fits absolutely perfect into our current campaign!
Really am in awe of your talent here!
Please find a way to continue this kind of beautiful mapping!!
love your maps and pictures. have repurposed them for use in our own d&d campaign. great. really AWESOME.... I also had to buy some of your tee shirts....
Only one little complaint - I want to see more! Are you still updating this site?
Visitors? (quickly tucks in shirt and smooths hair) I haven't had visitors in so long!
Thanks for the encouraging words guys, but my life is pretty hectic these days and it only looks to be getting more so. While I *want* to do/post more stuff, I don't realistically think it'll happen in the near future.
Thats a pity brandon, but i totally understand... these days we are lucky if we play d&d once a month - but when we do we go at it with whiskey and gusto for a day and a half or so :)
How about now, Brandon?
two weeks
It's been a month...
Not that I'm keeping track or anything.
Man, would I love to see another one of your drawings. Hope you get some free time to share with us again soon.
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