Saturday, July 30, 2016

Unofficial GenCon Character Sheet!

I always get a little obsessive with all the great 'survival guides' and 'best of' lists in the weeks before GenCon so I decided to compile mine into an OSR character sheet. A must-have for each member of your party! See you in Indy!


Tim Snider said...

This is crazy cool as well as crazy useful. I have a series of printouts and notes I take with me and this will utterly replace that system. I plan to use it for ALL of the conventions I attend. Thanks!

Sully said...

Great to see you post here! Hope you're doing well.

Follow Me And Die said...

Interesting idea. Just change the logo to ____Con or AnyCon and it's multi-purpose.
I'm not doing GenCon, but have others to attend.

J. Grenemyer said...

Posted a link to this blog post over at EN World. Thanks for sharing this, Brandon!

Raging Owlbear said...

Hey - you're back! First post in like 3 years. I loved the illustrations you put up in the past, and this sheet is totally cool and fun. Wish I could be there to use it! :)

Unknown said...

I miss your stuff, man. You're the best.